LUBGWMA Committee
Agencies and Organizations

Agencies and Organizations

The following agencies, tribal governments, and organizations are actively involved in groundwater management in the LUBGWMA.

Groundwater Management Area Committee

  • LUBGWMA CommitteeIncludes representatives from many of the below organizations plus business and industry representatives; advises state agencies on local elements of long-term plans to reduce nitrate groundwater contamination in the area.

Tribal Government

State Government

  • Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) – Primary regulatory agency for agricultural activities: Fertilizer product registration; water quality permits for Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO); funds fertilizer product research; agricultural water quality plans and rule compliance for non-point source irrigated agriculture; co-convener of LUBGWMA Advisory Committee.
  • Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) – Primary regulatory agency for wastewater management: Water quality permits for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment facilities (including food processing wastewater); designating agency for Groundwater Management Area; groundwater quality monitoring and trends analysis; co-convener of LUBGWMA Advisory Committee.
  • Oregon Health Authority (OHA)– Primary regulatory agency for drinking water: Oversight of public drinking water systems; statewide source of public health information and information about drinking water testing and treatment for private well users; in the LUBGWMA, also providing domestic well testing and treatment.
  • Oregon State University Extension Service (OSU Extension)– Agronomic rates and guidelines for nitrogen fertilizer use; science and research support for LUBGWMA Advisory Committee.
  • Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD)– Water right administration; surface and groundwater management; groundwater levels monitoring and trends analysis; co-convener of LUBGWMA Advisory Committee.

County Government

  • Morrow County – Land use planning, septic system permits, local public health.
  • Umatilla County – Land use planning, septic system permits, local public health.

Soil and Water Conservation Districts

Community-Based Organizations

  • Oregon Rural Action – Safe drinking water, social and environmental justice advocacy, and community interest and support.
  • Oregon Environmental Council – State-level advocacy for water, climate and environmental policy; rural partnership activities.

Other Involved Parties